Level One

Jenee Halstead- Singer-Songwriter & Performer

I'm a veteran performer who struggled with acute stage fright for 15 years. The Unstoppable Performer is an absolute life-changing course. Performers, actors, speakers, leaders, executives or anyone in the public arena overcome by stage fright: you don't need to quit your calling! 

The topics in the course are bite size and digestible - perfect for anyone who is busy and needs to take their time learning. Ruby's teaching style is practical, relatable and she models with her own nervous system what it looks and feels like to have a calm, empowered and regulated nervous system. You will enjoy and learn from her presentation alone.

I am so grateful to Ruby for this priceless, profound and totally cutting-edge education. You will be too.”

— Adrienne Krystansky- Brandeis University- Head Of Acting

“The maintenance of the nervous system health will revolutionize acting training by providing tools to manage the habitual trauma reactions that can be triggered by the work. Ruby Rose Fox's life as a performer combined with her research in Polyvagal theory provide unique insight into the specific application of these methods to the particular challenges of going onstage night after night. Her mindful approach to cultivating resiliency and self-compassion will ensure longevity and deepen our connection to our most unique and authentic creativity. I wish I had this knowledge as a young actor and will be using these techniques in the classroom for years to come.”

What You Will Learn With Ruby Rose Fox